Stqarrija għall-Istampa - Press Release
Press Release
Il-Konflitti fiż-Żwieġ : Hemm soluzzjoni?
Lill-Għarajjes f’Jum it-Tieġ
Fiż-Żwieġ Inqaddsu lil Xulxin
Awguri u Grazzi Fr Joe!
Amoris Laetitia - The Joy of Love
Obituary : Paul Attard
Il-Laqgħa Ġenerali Annwali tal-Moviment ta' Kana
The heroic priest who died on the Titanic
Grazzi Miriam
Quddiesa għall-Familji mill-Gruppi Familji Nsara
Quddiesa għall-Miżżewġin Ġodda
Laqgħa tar-Randan mill-Gruppi Familji Nsara
Cana Launches New Initiative for Families
Quddiesa mill-GFN għall-Jum Dinjiji tal-Familja
Konferenza dwar il-Familja
Mum, Dad and Kids
Bidu tas-Sena Pastorali 2019/2020
Changing Times: Impacts of time on Family Life
Laqgħa Ġenerali Annwali tal-Gruppi Familji Nsara
Il-Fundatur jiltaqa' mal-Papa
Precautionary principle
No Man is an Island
Enjoying Your Marriage Journey… Even When it’s Difficult
Awguri !
MERĦBA Mons. Charles Attard
Who’ll care for our elderly?
Bridging the Gap 
Għarfien dwar il-vjolenza domestika
Reflections on Embryo Freezing
Iffirmar tal-ftehim ta’ finanzjament
Quddiesa għall-Għarajjes
Dan kollu għalfejn?
Mons. Charles Vella
Biex Siġra titla’ Dritta
Mother & Baby Club Meetings
Surrogate motherhood report rejected by the Council of Europe
Love, sex and marriage in liberal societies
Good, healthy families
L-Ewwel Ħadd ta’ Frar - JUM L-ĦAJJA
Iż-Żwieġ u l-Familja
Laqgħa Ġenerali Annwali 2018
Raġel li ħafer lil martu 

  • Stqarrija għall-Istampa dwar l-emendi proposti għall-Att dwar il-Protezzjoni tal-Embrijuni

  • Click here for the Press Release in English

    Il-Moviment ta’ Kana huwa sensittiv ghax-xewqat ta’ koppji f’relazzjoni stabbli li jixtiequ jgibu t-tfal fid-dinja, u jemmen li dawn il-koppji ghandhom jinghataw l-ghajnuna biex jilhqu dan l-ghan nobbli.  Il-Ligi prezenti hija favur l-ghajnuna lill-koppji u tilhaq bilanc bejn id-drittijiet tal-embrjun u l-interessi u x-xewqat tal-koppji li ghandhom diffikultajiet biex igibu t-tfal fid-dinja.

    L-emendi proposti ghall-Att Dwar il-Protezzjoni tal-Embrjuni ser jippermettu l-iffrizar tal-Embrjuni li hu inkompatibbli mar-rispett u d-dinjita li biha ghandha tigi ttrattata il-hajja umana sa mit-tnissil. Dawn il-hlejqiet umani huma destinati biex jibqghu orfni iffrizati jekk ma jintuzawx fic-ciklu riproduttiv u jekk ma jigux adottati. 

    F’isem l-ugwaljanza l-emendi jippermettu wkoll id-donazzjoni anonima taċ-ċelloli għat-tnissil u s‑self tal‑ġuf bis‑surrogazzjoni, b’mod li l-ulied ser jiccahdu mill-omm jew il-missier naturali taghhom u mid-dritt li jitrabbew fl-ghozza tal-kumplimentarjeta ta’ omm u ta’ missier.

    L-emendi proposti jkasbru d-dinjita tal-hajja sa mit-tnissil, idawwru wicchhom ghad-differenzi tan-natura, jichdu il-kumplimentarjeta tar-ragel u l-mara u jiddiskriminaw bejn it-trabi, b’mod li hemm min ser jinghata c-cans li jara d-dawl tal-hajja u min ser jigi ffrizat.  

    Il-Moviment ta’ Kana ghalhekk jappella lis-socjeta civili u lill- politici kollha ta’ rieda tajba biex jiehdu pozizzjoni kontra l-iffrizar tal-embrjuni u favur id-drittijiet tal-ulied li jitwieldu u jitrabbew mill-genituri naturali taghhom.

  • AnchorPress Release in respect of the proposed amendments to the Embryo Protection Act

  • Cana Movement is sensitive to the desire of couples to bear and bring up children and they should be supported in this noble vocation.  The current Embryo Protection Act favours assistance to infertile couples. Children are gifts and not entitlements or commodities. IVF policies should therefore not relegate the rights of the unborn child to the desire to bear children at all costs, no matter how noble that desire may be. The balance between the rights of the unborn child and the interests of infertile couples is currently struck by the Embryo Protection Act.

    The proposed amendments allow embryo freezing which inevitably leads to embryo stock piling. Human embryos are destined to become frozen orphans in violation of the dignity with which every unborn child should be treated. 

    The proposed amendments also contemplate the possibility of anonymous gamete donation and surrogacy. These practices deprive children from being brought up by their natural parents and in some instances from the right to know the identity of their biological parents. 

    In the name of equality, the proposed amendments to the Embryo Protection Act attempt to cancel out differences endowed by nature itself, they refute the complimentarity of mothers and fathers in the bringing up of children. Far from promoting equality, the proposed amendments are discriminatory allowing some unborn children to proceed to gestation and birth whilst others are frozen.

    Cana Movement appeals to civil society and to politicians of goodwill from both sides of the political spectrum to vote against the proposed amendments to the Embryo Protection Act which are a travesty of human dignity, to take a stand against embryo freezing and in favour of the rights of children to be brought up by their natural parents.

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